Dartford Junior Chess Club - Entry form Class Select class Wednesday 5.00-6.30pm Wednesday 6.30-8.00pm Friday 6.00-7.30pm Your child's details Child's Forename(s) * Child's Surname * Child's Age* Your details We may need to be able to contact you with regard to your child's sign up to the chess club, or later we may need to inform you of their progress. Please fill in all the required fields. Parent's/Guardian's Name * Parent's/Guardian's Email * Parent's/Guardian's Phone Number * Other Parent or Guardian's Details You may want us to be able to contact your child's other parent or guardian in connection with the chess club. This information is optional, and you only need to fill it in if you find it convenient. Other Parent or Guardian Name Other Parent or Guardian Email Other Parent or Guardian Phone Number Consent We need your consent to your child attending the chess club and your consent that we can contact you regarding the chess club. Consent to Attend Chess Club * I consent to my child attending the Dartford Junior Chess Club. Consent to Contact You * I consent to Dartford Junior Chess Club contacting me regarding the chess club.